

... and I Must Scream

In this post I build a custom Linux kernel module to teach the computer how to scream.

Running Swift on a Nintendo DS

I came across a way for Swift code to compile for GameBoy Advance and decided to try it on real Nintendo hardware.

The Hour-Long SQL Query, 2023 Edition

In 2015 I found an odd performance issue in the SQL libraries for .NET Framework. Has anything changed in the last 7 years?

Something I Learned Recently: WebFinger

Recently I was looking into the structure of Mastodon and "Fediverse" federated communications, and came across a newer standard called WebFinger. This seems to be a HTTP-based evolution of the good old 'finger' command.

Self-Hosted Git and CI/CD for fun (and profit?)

When I first got into running my own servers, I liked to host just about anything I could (and would actually use), which became a bit of a pain as you have to manage the operating system, system libraries, various software runtimes, create /etc/init.d scripts, assemble your own

Debugging Third-Party Code in Visual Studio

This post shows how you can debug code that you didn't write and don't have the source code for.

Speeding up some very slow .NET builds

What do you do when upgrading Windows makes your code compile a lot slower? This, of course.

Dates are an utter nightmare and YYYY is worse than I thought

Every year we get told that 'YYYY' in date formats is bad. But why? And just how bad is it? (Spoiler: very.)
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