

When sysctl took down my subnet

A rough edge case in Linux kernel configuration ended up taking my public /24 subnet offline regularly. Read this post to find out why.

Choosing your own MAC Address

A MAC address is burned into a device by the manufacturer, and manufacturers are allocated vendor IDs (the first 3 bytes of a MAC address). One of these is Microsoft Hyper-V, which owns all of the 00:15:5D:XX:XX:XX addresses. This led to an interesting problem...

Making Sense of WireGuard

I recently decided to try out the hot new VPN protocol on the block, WireGuard. It took me about 2 hours of debugging and diagnostics to make sense of things, so I'm logging my notes here for future reference.

Building Docker containers behind a proxy

How do you configure Docker to use a proxy when building a container, but not when running it?

A Ubiquiti Home Network

For a while, I've been eyeing an upgrade of my home network. I recently did that by introducing Ubiquiti gear, and (spoiler alert) it's been great.

Kubernetes: Getting Pods to talk to the Internet, not systemd

Systemd plays havoc with Kubernetes defaults and kills DNS. Here's how to fix that.

mDNS Name Resolution in Linux

Bonjour is really useful on Windows and macOS. It turns out that you can also use it on Linux!

Thunderbolt Networking

Thunderbolt is amazingly fast, but how do you find the host at the other end of the cable?
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