Pokémon Mythbusters: Continuity across Unova

I found a rumour on Reddit about a particular game continuity feature between Pokémon Black and White, and their sequels, Black 2 and White 2. But is it true?

The Notepad Logger: Window Messaging

In this post, I go deeper into the world's strangest logging implementation, and make it work with Notepad++ and Notepad2.

Building a custom Notepad logger for ASP.NET Core

In this post, I take possibly the world's strangest logging implementation, and rewrite it for .NET Core.

Streaming Pokémon into Microsoft Teams

Did you know that you can stream games and videos with Microsoft Teams? Me neither!

Quick notes on transferring Pokemon

It turns out that bringing your old Pokemon into newer games is not a simple task...

Accessing COM ports from a web page?!?!!

Did you know that you can control serial COM ports from a web page? Me neither. Here's what I've learned about it.

ZIP64 - Go Big Or Go Home

How does a ZIP file work? And how do you make really, really, _really_ big ones? Read this post to find out.

The Road to #pyconau

Last weekend, I attended PyCon AU 2019. This was my second time at PyCon AU and my third time attending any tech conference... but it was also my first time speaking at one! I'm leaving this blog post here as a note to future self, but also to anybody else who is interesting in how it happened.
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